Customizing Toasts

How to Customize the Library.

2 min read

You can customize the position and colors of all the elements of the toast card. You can control whether the toast appears from the left or right, as well as modify the background, text, and border colors to match your application’s theme.

Customizing Types

You can preset or override the styles for the different toast types (success, warning, error and loading) using the Config type exported by the library. This allows you to easily adjust the appearance of each toast type to fit your design requirements. To override the default styles, use the ngFastToastConfig provider injection with the customToast field.

import { ngFastToastConfig } from 'ng-fast-toast';

  selector: "app-root",
  standalone: true,
  imports: [NgFastToastComponent],
  providers: [ngFastToastConfig(myConfig)],
  templateUrl: "./app.component.html",

The myConfig variable must adhere to the Config type, which is also exported by the library:

Example of Types Customization

import { Config } from 'ng-fast-toast';

export const myConfig: Config = [
    customToast: myConfigTypes
import { BgColorTypes } from 'ng-fast-toast';

export const myConfigTypes: BgColorTypes[] = [
    type: 'error',
    customToast: '#fbbf24',
    type: 'warning',
    titleSvgColor: '#fbbf24',


The library allows you to align toasts to the left or right, using the same mechanism explained in the previous section: ngFastToastConfig. Now, we will complete the previous example by adding a custom alignment.

Example of Align Customization

import { Config } from 'ng-fast-toast';

export const myConfig: Config = [
    align: 'left',
    customToast: myConfigTypes
import { BgColorTypes } from 'ng-fast-toast';

export const myConfigTypes: BgColorTypes[] = [
    type: 'error',
    customToast: 'bg-red-500',
    type: 'warning',
    titleSvgColor: '#fbbf24',

The new align field added in the previous code block allows you to align the toasts to the left.